Meet The Maker

Hi friends! 
I'm Kaylee, the maker behind Evari Silver & Stone, and a Mama of two beautiful boys.
My desire to create started at a young age. Waking up to the sound of a blaring saw while dad was working in the garage became a comfort of mine. I knew I needed a craft of my own. I have always had an artistic side, but I couldn't find that one thing that kept my interest for long. Many unfinished drawings lay tucked away in my sketch book. I'll flip back from time to time, add a little something, and leave them again, unfinished still.
My fascination for stones began as early as I can remember. Agate and fossil hunting is a favorite activity for my boys and I.
When I started working with silver, I knew this was what I had been searching for. Slowly crafting something so beautiful from elements of the earth fills me with so much joy and provides a type of healing that I wasn't expecting. 
 I hope you see the beauty that I see and feel the love that I have poured into these pieces. Thank you so much for being here 🤍